I finished S.T.A.L.K.E.R shadows of Chernobyl for the PC a few weeks ago. Not a bad first person shooter / RPG. It is interesting in that the world you stroll around in has patches of radiation, as well as anomalies which can be quite fatal. You get heaps of warning when you are near either but if you are bolting from something you can find out quite quickly how lethal either of them are (like I did).
You don't go up levels so to speak but as you get progressively better weapons and armour enemies seem easier to defeat. There are some interesting quests which can put one group of people against you where as if you play the straight course (like I did) you only have to worry about bandits and monsters.
The ending was quite dodgy in that there is a false ending (which I did) and a real ending (which I could not find). The false ending is when you enter the Chernobyl power plant and touch the Wish Stone. You then get a nice cut scene which has leave you wondering what was the point in all that.
My advise when get near the end of the game (i.e. you have to go to the Chernobyl power plant) read a walk through about how to complete the real ending.

Two Worlds
I have just finished Two Worlds for the PC, it was a really great RPG. The world is quite large, so large in fact that there are HEAPS of teleporters, health and mana stones. Which makes the game easy in the fact that if you are being bashed you can run to the nearest health stone heal up and go back and give 'em curry.
Oddly enough I didn't realise until late in the game that you can combine same items and make them more powerfull. Of that you could endlessly add one type of weapon damage upgrade. Near the end of the game I had an axe that did 10K cold damage 4K slashing damage and 4K bludgeoning damage. Mind you there were still some monsters that took a few hits to kill with this weapon. So I get the impression that there are even tougher beasties out there.
The ending was a bit poor in that it screamed we haven't finished yet, buy the sequel when it comes out ! But all in all a great RPG, there are heaps of other things that made the game great decent effects. Interesting monsters and great side quests.
Note to self (or anyone else for that matter) go the Earth Magic as the highest level shield and Summon Goloem really make it easy to finish the game.
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